"Perhaps the biggest thing I can say about the counselling experience is the obvious one, just being able to talk to someone in a very trusting, safe way was really liberating. The sessions tended to stimulate thoughts and reflections afterwards and definitely made me think about my feelings and actions I was taking. I think initially I was looking for a “cure” and for someone to say right this is what is wrong and this is what you need to do about it, ie a quick fix. It has really sunk in how it was about really getting me to figure that out and open up to stuff emotionally. 

Another thing, I think, is that I am much more able to listen to others and hear them properly, be empathic, feel what they want and feel how my behaviour etc impacts them positively or negatively. It is far less about me and purely what I want I think and want; much more two-way. There is a still a lot to do, but I suppose I feel much more able to see feelings and things and then figure out what to do about them now."

“When I first started therapy I was regularly feeling depressed. The problem I had was that I didn’t understand why I was feeling the way I was and I didn’t know how to get out of it. By going to therapy I was able to learn more about how I’ve become the person I am today and how to like that person more. I am now armed with the tools to improve things going forward. I’m not perfect but I know with the right level of discipline, structure and accountability (while being a little bit selfish) I can get myself into a much better situation and I won’t ever be back to some of the lows that I’ve had in previous years.” (C.W.) 

“I had been to a few therapists before and thought that maybe it just wasn't for me. When I started going to Rhonda it seemed like I had finally found the right fit. Through her sessions I feel like I've finally started down the path to getting better instead of just surviving. It's been difficult, but I've been pushed to confront my problems, and I feel a lot stronger and a lot more capable of coping. The techniques I've been taught to control and ease my issues have made it feel like I can finally live my life according to me instead of through my problems. The phototherapy element is wonderful at showing how far I've come in this time and feels a lot more personal than it's been with therapists in the past.” (I.K.) 

“I was feeling very anxious and needed to talk to someone outside of my family. I suffered from constant worry, I worried about everything and even things that never happened. Along side my worrying I had experienced a few very difficult bereavements that I could not come to terms with. Counselling saved my life, I was suicidal and not in a good place at all. It has taken me a bit of time but I am thinking more clearly. I can go out and enjoy myself now, I understand other people better and have rebuilt my confidence. I would, and do recommend Rhonda to anyone I know who is suffering.” (Peter) 

"I started going to Rhonda in August 2019, I had struggled for a while with anxiety and over-thinking for a long time due to a previous relationship and did not have an easy time at high school. I was really paranoid and created situations in my head. Moreover, I had never really spoken to anyone about it. Meeting Rhonda over numerous weeks has significantly helped me realise the things I was worried were not important and various techniques and ways of thinking to help with this. Over the few weeks, I have noticed myself less anxious and forgetting completely about my previous bad relationship and situations that were impacting me. In addition, as I have just finished university, Rhonda has increased my confidence with my future work plans and believing if you put your mind to something, it is achievable which before I doubted. I definitely recommend Rhonda to anyone who is needing help with anxiety or depression, she has made me believe it does not need to be a constant state of mind and also, a great person to talk to and is very understanding. I am extremely grateful and realised talking about your concerns is the best way forward! Thank you!" (M.C.)

“I was feeling low and slightly panicky, (not for the first time in my life), and thought I would try counselling. I was, to be honest, sceptical but ever hopeful. It was the best think I ever did. In the first session I was still sceptical but it went incredibly well, I went on to see Rhonda once a week for five months. I am not totally out of the woods yet, but I am approaching a sunny clearing in a very confident way. Positive feelings have at last replaced negative.”
Nothing but good! (F.H.) 

"Calling Bridge of Allan Counselling and working with Rhonda is one of the best things I have done.
The feelings of anger and resentment had become almost overwhelming when I first contacted Bridge of Allan Counselling. I didn’t actually know where to turn, but I knew that these emotions were defining me and starting to take over my life when a friend suggested that I make an appointment to meet with a counsellor.
I met Rhonda once a week for seven weeks; each session was a safe and supportive time for me to talk freely about my emotions, worries and fears. Rhonda supported me to re-think how I view my relationships and how I interact with the world around me.  At the end of the seven sessions, Rhonda had helped me to develop at range of coping strategies which I have found successful. Rhonda taught me the importance of self-care, and I will check in with her on a regular basis to maintain the new me." (C.L.) 

“When I decided to go into therapy I felt very depressed and full of anxiety. I realised within a few sessions where my anxiety and depression were coming from and I could work on them. I was doing too much in regards to my career and I was dealing with the death of my Mother. I lost my Mother at an early age and never realised how much I was struggling.”
“Through Emotion Focused Therapy I started to deal with the sadness involving my Mother’s death. I was able to rationalise to the point where I can now find comfort knowing that I can at any time find a space, think and talk to my Mum and feel the energy that comes from that process. I now feel much more confident and know how to live my life without feeling disabled.” (Jamie ) 

"I came to Rhonda at a time where I was feeling very isolated and becoming very anxious about my future. There were also things in my life that were very personal to me I didn't feel comfortable sharing with friends or family members. Over the next few months, Rhonda was able to really help me to understand the root of these feelings and being able to talk to her once a week helped greatly with my feelings of isolation. I'm now at a much better place in my life and Rhonda's encouragement over those moments are really what kept me going to get this point. I would highly recommend her to anyone considering counselling." (P.K.) 

Counselling sessions available from:
Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Saturdays and Sundays: 10 - 4
(by appointment only)

Call: (01786) 834-221
88 Henderson Street
1st Floor: Offices 1&3
Bridge of Allan

Bridge of Allan Counselling in the Stirling Area | Bridge of Allan Counselling is a trading division of Rhonda Peebles Limited | Company number: SC5092802022